Wednesday, February 18, 2009

25 Random Things about Me

Below is a note I posted in my facebook. It took me a lot of time but it's fun! 

Rule: Once you've been tagged you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you it's because I want to know more about you.

To do this, go to "Notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner) then click publish.

1. My favorite color is purple.

2. In a city, even though it usually takes more time, I prefer bus rather than tube.

3. I didn't take neither joint high school entrance exam nor joint college entrance exam while most of students in Taiwan had to at that time.

4. My all-time favorite disney animation is "The Little Mermaid". The original ending of the tale is too hard for me. Thank disney for giving the story a happy ending! I like the film so much that I once wanted to name myself "Ariel".

5. I am the firstborn of my family. My sis is two and half years younger than me. Now we live together but sometimes, we still have fights. My bro is almost twelve years younger than me. We share the same birth animal, rooster.

6. I like most of the vegetables. Here are some of my favors: aubergine (it's purple!), bell pepper, bitter melon, taro and oyster mushroom (杏鮑菇). Yet there are some i don't eat: garlic chives (韭菜), enokitake (金針菇) and jelly fungus (木耳). I don't like carrot either.

7. My favorite animal is monkey! When i was little, i did hope i can be one year older so that i can have monkey as my birth animal.

8. My family lived in Mucha (木柵) when I was still very little and my grandparents will take me to the zoo when then came visit us. In the zoo, i would ask my grandparents to buy ice cream for the elephants, but actually, I was the one that ate all ice cream!

9. I didn't have too many male classmates. Had 4 male classmates at first and second grades in elementary school and had 3 for the rest of the years. I went to girl high school for 6 years. And in college, there were around 12 (more or less) male classmates in our department.

10. I got sunstroke twice.

11. I have tendency of motion sickness, including carsickness, seasickness and airsickness.

12. I haven't seen the trilogy of Lord of Rings, neither the films nor the books.

13. Music, book and film that changed my way of thinking: Igor Stravinski's "The Firebird" & "The Rite Of Spring", Italo Calvino's "If On A Winter's Night A Traveler", Alain Resnais's "Hiroshima mon amour".

14. I like reading detective novels.

15. I've had a fear of dogs since i was little. In order to cure my dog phobia, my mother kept a dog as our family pet at my third grade in elementary school. As a result, I didn't fear our dog but i still have fear of other dogs.

16. I hate any mint-flavored stuff. One christmas, i received a box of mint-flavored chocolate from my mum as christmas gift...

17. I've been keeping my chinese name for all occasions for some years. But i did have an english name used in college and high school, Claire. Also, I had a spanish name, Claudia. We needed to have one when we took spanish course in college.

18. If I can have a magic skill, I want to become invisible!

19. I don't have any body piercing.

20. I have never dyed my hair.

21. I think being punctual is a basic courtesy.

22. I think I'm a shy person and sometimes I do feel uncomfortable with people standing too close to me.

23. My favorite time among a day is morning, my favorite day among a week is friday and my favorite season among a year is autumn.

24. I know it's bad but I always leave things to last minutes.

25. I hope one day I can make a trip to outer space.

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